Chi Siamo

Fluctuating Community (English Version)

di daniela campora

IL VOLO DELLA RONDINE is, according to the current Italian legislation, an Association for Social Promotion. It was established in 2007 to carry out non-profit social activities with full respect for freedom and dignity of all the members, according to principles of democracy and equality.

The association promotes and implements tourist and cultural activities, aggregating and involving all the members, including people with special needs, in order to develop the culture of integration, solidarity, equality and non violent communication.

Fluctuating Community is a project realized by Il Volo Della Rondine to promote a new kind of - social and solidarity based - Responsible Tourism aimed to spread the green culture. It moves beyond what can be seen as a simple vacation through the real experience of Topophilia, the “love” and “respect” for a place.

The Project introduced Community Experience in an inclusive designed tourist activity.

The main goal is to test new forms of Responsible Tourism aimed to achieve non-violent social change inspired by the principles of justice, solidarity, democracy and the respect of human rights for all.
Instead of focusing on tours we concentrate on vacation, “la villeggiatura”, that means a “period of recreation spent in a place away from home”.

The underlying idea is a "protection through usage", so the project is based on participation, social inclusion and social innovation; we are asked to answer a double question, the nature conservation and the need of recreation. To fulfill this, we have been inspired by the fragrant and colourful natural beauty of The National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano, Unesco World Heritage.

We transformed the classical Rivieran Holiday in a Fluctuating Community Experience.

Every summer, since 2007, we are engaged in the organization of a tourist camp where our members are involved in an immersive experience into seasonal landscapes, green itineraries, sensory tours and daily Mediterranean organic food, without animal proteins (almost vegan, with exception of fish, once a week, only on request).
The innovative value consists in the fact that every activity is intended to create a new, widespread and careful green culture.

We also promote actions of empowerment for youth people, women, parents and childrens.

The community enables the people to share new thoughts and life style changes as well as natural elements experience (landscapes, tastes, touch, olfactory, etc.) in an old but always the best interactive way: face to face conviviality.

Thanks to the interchange, also locals will share their green heritage going through the direct participation of people and their evaluation of the state of health of their own place natural environment.
Two communities, locals and tourists that understand themselves through the common love and respect for the territory.

At the same time, the “new” social media networks are means for communicating at the end of the holidays creating a “Virtual Community” that maintains in a strong way the commitment to green economy and also enables each member to curate and create its own memories about the holiday and, of course, to share his/her experience widespead.

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Dicono di noi ...

Il Volo della Rondine vi promette una esperienza indimenticabile di "vacanza dolce" e la promuove con competenza e semplicità. Ecocentrico

La vacanza è illuminata! Una bella vacanza, naturale, ecologica, gioiosa, intensa. Nel Parco Del Cilento, a fianco della Pineta, sulla spiaggia. Da giugno a settembre cucina bio e attività olistiche. AAM Terra Nuova

Vacanza all inclusive in campeggio nella bellissima pineta del Parco naturale del Cilento, sulla spiaggia..." Proposta mare La Repubblica Terre Vicine I Viaggi di Repubblica



Il Volo della Rondine è specializzata nell'organizzazione di attività ecosostenibili e olistiche per il benessere della persona.
In primo piano la "Scuola di Cucina" con cui Il Volo della Rondine vuole promuovere l'arte della cucina naturale, basata sull'utilizzo di cereali integrali, proteine vegetali, verdure e legumi provenienti da agricoltura biologica, per comporre menù completi, senza rinunciare a golosi dessert light, senza zucchero.
Completa la proposta l'organizzazione di vacanze naturali, slow, dove l' alimentazione biologica e naturale, i corsi e le attività olistiche si incontrano tra terra e cielo con l'ecosistema di Parchi naturali, Aree marine Protette, Patrimoni Unesco.
Le attività delle vacanze e i corsi sono condotti da professionisti esperti e certificati, psicologi, counselor, insegnanti e ostetriche per le attività con i bambini, terapisti, massaggiatori e istruttori di yoga diplomati, Chef specializzati in macrobiotica e alimentazione naturale.